My Name Is

I like to share with you today a poem written by Beth Moore. My name is Pride. I am a cheater. I cheat you of your God-given destiny… because you demand your own way. I cheat you of contentment… because you “deserve better than this.” I cheat you of knowledge… because you already know it […]... Continue Reading →

Be Bold

Be Bold. Be bold… in doing what you love, in doing what feels good, in doing what makes you happy. Be bold… in making your own kind of beauty, in being your own kind of beauty, in seeing the beauty in others. Be Bold! Be You! Cheers & Hugs, Jodi Quick, loose painting done on […]... Continue Reading →


I was given a buffet. It was an item that was given to my son and he decided he was no longer was in need or want of this piece. So I basically start preparing in my head, what I wanted this piece to look like. I started looking at other post, like from people […]

Champions They are not born, they become. They learn thru success and failure, what to ignore and what to pursue. They decide what to magnify and what to minimize. Focus on today and not yesterday. Possibilities instead of pain. Champions make decisions that create a future that they desire; Losers make decisions that create the... Continue Reading →

So...who am I? I enjoy a magazine laced with beautiful homes nicely furnished. Driving into a neighborhood in the late evenings, when its dark, I see strangers homes that dare to leave the blinds or curtains open and lamps lit. Myself, eager to catch a glimpse of that very private space they allowed to go... Continue Reading →

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